朱利安 约瑟夫森 (Julien Josephson)-搜索结果

  • 绿衣女神 The Green Goddess


    导演:阿尔佛雷德 E. 格林 (Alfred E. Green)   编剧:朱利安 约瑟夫森 (Julien Josephson), William Archer

    主演:乔治·亚理斯, 拉尔夫·福布斯, H.B.沃纳, 爱丽丝·乔伊斯

      A small plane carrying three British citizens — Major Crespin, his estranged wife Lucilla, and pilot Dr. Traherne — becomes lost and is forced to crash land in the tiny realm of Rukh, somewhere near the Himalaya Mountains. The Raja who rules the land welcomes them.
      However, as his three brothers are soon to be executed for murder by the British, his subjects believe that their ...